Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Ode to the Little Black Dress

So, I woke up at 5:30 this morning bursting with the need to be creative. Yes, 5:30AM on a Saturday (this is what teaching has done to me). I tried to burst quietly because Josh was still sleeping. We all know it is not polite to wake others by bursting before 7:00AM.

So, bursting with creativity... What does this mean you ask? Here is the skinny:

I want to be a creative person... but I have yet to find my niche. I can draw somewhere around average (I took a drawing class the summer before last that was fun, but showed me just how sub-par I really am when it comes to using drawing utensils), painting is NOT for me (I just make a mess and I am too impatient to wait for things to dry), I enjoy sewing but just don't have the equipment and feel that I may not be good enough to merit spending money to get the equipment, I just picked up knitting and while I am horrible I hope to feel better about it soon and use it as a creative outlet of some kind, and I love to write songs and make music but I am way too self-conscious about any of it to really share it with anyone (including Josh).

You see, I really want to be a creative soul, but I seem to have issues with commitment. I also have some perfectionist tendencies, so if I try something and I am not miraculously fabulous at it, I figure it must not be my calling. Yeah, I know that is lame... but at least I am being honest right?

Anywho, all this to say that when I recently discovered the world of fashion blogs I was hooked (Check out some of the girls I stalk )! If I cannot BE creative, at least I can stalk other cool people who are. These girls take creativity and apply it to the outfits they wear everyday. They mix and match clothes, patterns, and colors like a painter who is taking a fresh white canvas from "blah" to "wow"! (Yeah, I can't think of better descriptions than that at the moment)

So, waking up bursting with creativity when I know darn well I have yet to find a creative outlet, I decided to take a saunter around blog land. As I was drooling over the wonderful clothes and outfits that all of these women create, I remembered a conversation that Josh and I had a few days back whilst shopping:

Josh: You hate new things.
Kelley: I like new clothes.
Josh: No, you like new clothes when they are in the store. As soon as you bring them in the house you hate them.
Kelley: Oh... yeah...
Josh: Our laundry bin may as well be a trash can because after you wear something once you are done with it.

Why is it that there is some kind of cuteness sucking vacuum that waits at the threshold of my home and sucks all of the cuteness out of my clothes as soon as I get them inside? Forget about getting them into the closet. By then they are done for.

Then in the middle of this thought, I had another one (ADD much?). The girls who write these blogs wear the same things all of the time. They just mix all of their clothes together to make new outfits. They call it remixing. Is it possible that I could do this? I decided to give it a try. If remixing some of my old clothes could help me find things in my closet that I didn't absolutely loathe, I was down.

And so, with no make-up, still sporting bed-head, and the creative juices still flowing, I went into my closet at 6:30AM on a mission: to remix and hopefully rejuvenate my closet. What was born is what I think I will call:

My Ode to the Little Black Dress

Everyone has one of these dresses right? I think it is a sin not to. Don't quote me on that though, I may be wrong. I bought this black dress because I didn't have one and I thought I was supposed to. Well, the cuteness sucking vacuum must have been around the day I brought it home, because six months later it still has yet to see the light of day. When I saw it in my closet I knew this was the key to the remix. I put together some outfits and took pictures of them.

Please keep in mind that this all started at 6:30AM pre-shower, pre-makeup, and of course pre-husband being conscious, so I had to take all of these photos of myself on my own (which I have never really tried before... that was tricky). So lets all try to focus on the clothing aspect and not the blurry messy hair makeupless monster ;)

Here is the dress all alone by itself. Pardon the whiteness of every part of my body... it is January.

Little Black Dress

In the order in which I took the photos (haha you can tell if you watch the sun come up further and further in each photo), here are the remix outfits for the dress.

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

Outfit #4

Outfit #5

Outfit #6

Outfit #7

Outfit #8

I think this little experiment when pretty well. I feel like I really do like a few more of the clothes in my closet. In fact, this little black dress may just come out to play soon.

I think my favorite outfit is #7 (with #8 being a close second). What do you guys think, what is your favorite?

I think it is time to see all of you (my friends and family) try a remix of your own!

Come on, it was fun and it helped me find a new love for some of the clothes that haven't even left my closet in months. I tried it and even posted early morning bedhead Kelley photos for the world to see. If I can do it, you can do it (and I won't even be mad if you brush your hair and put on a dab or two of makeup in your posts).

Ready? Set? Remix!