Monday, October 26, 2009

The Sensitivity of Men

So, pretty much anyone that knows me knows that I am just about as frugal as can be. For example, yesterday I wanted some potato chips (yes, I know how bad they are for me… but sometimes you just need that salty goodness), but I just could not make myself spend over $2 on a bag of junk food. So, I stayed home, peeled and cut up three potatoes and made my own. Yes it took a lot more time than going to the store and buying my own, but a 10lb bag of potatoes costs like $1.50 on sale, so 3 little potatoes are super cheap… and when turned into potato chips they are also super yummy :)

Believe it or not, junk food is NOT the point of this post. That was just supposed to be an example of my frugalness to transition into this: Laundry.

Yes, we have an HE washer and dryer. It saves on water, electricity… The only real drawback to this is that the detergent for the washer is out of this world expensive… anyways, that is, again, not the point. The point is that we got this washer and dryer set because it is supposed to be saving us some cash, and I’m sure it is. However, this is of course not enough for me. Nope, I have to push everything to the frugal limit. So, I thought “HHmm… how can I make this whole laundry process cheaper for us?” Then it came to me: Line-drying.

Now, both Josh and I, at some point in our lives, have worn clothes that have been hung out to dry. Whether the hanging dry was due to a broken dryer or a mother’s preference for having clothes swinging in the breeze for all to see, I am not sure. Either way, Josh and I were not fans of this drying style when we were growing up. It seemed that hanging our nice soft clothes out to try sent them through some magical process in which they transformed into evil scratchy pieces of cardboard that attacked you as soon as you tried to put them on your body.

I however, was sure that I had matured passed the age in which line-dried clothes could affect me. So, I thought I would give this whole hanging dry thing a try. I didn’t tell Josh of course. I figured if he knew he would be sure to HATE the idea and be convinced from the start that all of his clothes were scratchy… So I decided not to inform him and see how he reacted when he put on his new more frugally dried clothing. I figured if he noticed and hated it I could just go back to putting his clothes in the dryer, and if he didn’t notice I could keep line-drying his clothes.

So, I hung the clothes out to dry, hung them up in our closet, and then forgot about the whole thing. Now, I did not just hang Josh’s clothes to dry, nope, I hung mine to dry as well. I went about a week or so wearing these line-dried clothes and I did not notice anything different at all. Like I said, I actually forgot that I had dried these clothes any differently than normal. Imagine my surprise when, this weekend, Josh asks me if we switched to a new fabric softener or if there is something wrong with our usual fabric softener. Confused, I told Josh that we don’t even use fabric softener (Our clothes are usually pretty soft on their own, and fabric softener leaves an annoying residue sometimes). Josh said, “Oh, well for the last few days my shirts have been really stiff and scratchy. I can’t figure out why.” At this point it all came back to me and I just started laughing. Josh of course had no idea why I was laughing and was sure I was laughing at him. I told him that I had hung the clothes to dry to find a new way to save money and I didn’t tell him because I figured if he didn’t know he wouldn’t notice a difference in his clothes. Josh laughed at my silly frugalness, pointed out that he did in fact notice all on his own, and then informed me that because we have an HE dryer, any amount of money that we would possibly save by hanging our clothes out to dry would be minuscule at most.

Well then, I guess it is back to the old drying routine and time to find a new way to save some cash (we are not destitute, I promise. I just feel like it is important for me to be in charge of us saving money since Josh is really the one who brings most of it in)… Funny how I didn’t notice the difference in my clothes though… Men must be more sensitive :)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Mints and Money

Okay, so I am cautious about writing this post…
It is about the root of all things evil…
One of the things I hate more than anything in the world…

Money makes everything confusing… I hate money!

What?! I thought this was supposed to be a funny upbeat laugh at Josh and Kelley blog. Why are we talking about money? EEwww!

Well, it is happy and upbeat… At least I think so.

Okay, so I was surfing around online checking out the blogs I love, and one of them had a post about The lady that runs this blog was asking if anyone has every used this site, and, if so, what they thought about it. I couldn’t help it, I had to reply and tell her how wonderful is. My reply ended up being about four paragraphs long… oops ;) I just couldn’t help it, I love this site! It has helped me and Josh so much with our finances and I really feel like I need to tell everyone I can about it because it is so amazing!

I was telling Josh about how I went on and on about this website in a reply and he said I should post about on our blog. Well, I think that is a GREAT idea! This site has totally organized and changed our finances for the better, and if I can help other people by telling them about it I should shouldn’t I?

Well, money is a touchy subject… I don’t think anyone wants to be told how to deal with their money. And I sure don’t want anyone to think that I am the all-powerful all knowledgeable tell you what to do with your money queen. I mean, I am not… last time I checked I did not own a crown or scepter… so no, I’m not. I just want to share something really cool that Josh and I have benefited from. So, don’t be mad, be excited, this site is soooo awesome!

Okay, so here goes…

Josh and I have been using for almost two years now. I would have to say it is the best thing that has ever happened to our finances. It is VERY user friendly! You just input all of your loans, savings accounts, checking accounts, credit cards, and that kind of stuff and the site puts all of your information in one place so that you can see all of this information as once. Then you can tell mint how much money you want to spend on certain things every month. I got on there one day when we first started using it and just spent a while kicking out a budget. You can budget EVERYTHING! We have a monthly budget for fast food, entertainment, home, groceries, shopping, gas, and restaurants, but there are SO many other things you can decide to budget and watch closely.

For each area that you choose to budget the site will tell you if you are on track, if you are doing extra well, or if you need to slow down on the spending (it has really easy to read graphs and stuff). You know if you need to cut back in one area or if you can afford to go out and get that little ice cream treat you are craving… This is good for me… Ice cream is pretty much my drug of choice any given day of the week ;)

After you have been using it for a few months you will really get an idea of where all of your money goes on a regular basis. Mint will tell you things like most of your extra money goes to fast food, or you spend an average of $80 a month on going out to the movies. So you can find areas in which you think you might be able to start cutting back in order to create some savings. You can then adjust your budgets to match these new spending criteria. You can even make a one-time change to your budget if you need to make a large or important purchase.

One of my favorite features of mint is that it shows you if you are having red months or green months (if you have more or less money coming out than going in overall). For example, when Josh and I bought our house, HUGE red month… But, we can now watch our saving start to slowly climb back up, which is encouraging to watch and keep track of. I feel like all of our frugalness is really paying off when I get to see one of those nice extra green months!

This site is awesome because you can actually see EVERYTHING in one place. I can say, "Wow babe, we are doing great this month, we are half way through the month and we still have not spent even half of the money in any of our budget areas!" Or I can look and say, "Okay, no more fast food for us, we are 3/4 of the way through that budget and it is only the first week of the month."…yeah… that happens sometimes :)

On top of all of that, this site has helped us multiple times when we have been overcharged for things. You can go online and see EVERY transaction from all of your accounts all in one place. So, we look over it every now and again and make sure everything looks normal. One time redbox charged us $25 for one movie that they did not think we returned. Mint pointed this out to us and we were able to call and get our money back.

So yeah, I don’t mean to preach at anyone! I am sure all of our friends and family totally know how to handle their finances all on their own. Still, has pretty much changed our lives and we really just want to recommend it to EVERYONE! It is so much easier to save money when you can really see where all of your money is going!

Oh, and here is some technical information from Josh for those of you who are wary of giving this site your information: is a read only service so it can't change any info on your bank account and you can't move money or spend money with it. When you give them your information there are no account numbers involved, meaning even the mint employees never see your account information and they couldn't if they wanted to because the system is built that way. Also, has all the same encryption as your bank.

Don't even think about trying this site if you don't want to. I don't want to make anyone do anything that they don't want to do. But, if you do try it, let us know what you think!

P.S. I forgot one of the most important parts, is totally FREE! Thanks for reminding me Lori :)


Friday, October 9, 2009

Pictures: Josh's Side of the Story

Being a homeowner comes with several challenges. Namely, it means becoming a handyman. Suddenly, such masculine tasks like plumbing and pool filter repair fall to me. Considering I've spent my entire adult life (all 4 years of it) sitting in front of a computer, I haven't the slightest idea how to do any of this. And I'm not just talking about large scale repairs, even the little things that any soccer mom could handle with a tack hammer and a philips screw driver is new to me. This story is about such a task: hanging pictures.

Kelley and I have long wanted a picture over our bed. We've been planning it since we got married almost two and a half years ago. Since we live in the desert and miss the color green (yes I can see green, stop asking), we decided to go with tree photography. Black and white tree photos... well there goes the green argument. But hey who needs color right? So finally, after years of deliberation, we decided to just go to the store and buy a giant tree photo. We cruised up to Michael's Crafts and found the perfect picture. Beautiful trees, an amazing frame, this picture had it all... for only $20! Excited about our good fortune we set off to the store to buy hanging accessories.

Now when I say hanging accessories, I'm sure you are picturing screws and drywall anchors right? Or perhaps even a few small nails? Well you're wrong. Being the anti-handyman that I am I thought it seemed a shame to just go drilling holes in a perfectly good wall, "surely" I thought, "there exists a better solution!" To find this solution I consulted the great and powerful wizard known as Google. The all knowing Google led me to the website of a company that I adore due to their remarkable innovation in a plethora of fields: 3M. These are the guys who invented the post-it note for crying out loud! When I saw that they had a solution for hanging pictures I proudly informed Kelley that I had found our answer.

We set off for Wal-Mart to purchase a box of 3M adhesive picture hanging strips. If you're not familiar with this item, it's pretty much a glorified piece of double stick tape. By now you're probably thinking, what kind of idiot would hang a heavy picture with tape!? I answer you, this kind of idiot. So we go home and stick our picture to the wall. I gotta tell ya, it worked great. It was up in five minutes and we were thrilled. We literally starting pulling more pictures out of the closet to hang. You should know that the package of picture post-its had one and only one warning: do not use to hang pictures above a bed. When Kelley informed me of this I cleverly pointed out that the weight of our picture was well within the limit on the box and that the warning was, without a doubt, just there to appease the 3M lawyers.

Fast-forward several hours. We are well into our evening slumber when we hear a noise. Kelley claims that she knew immediately what the noise was but at 2 am I was sure the wall was crashing in on us. In reality, the noise was the cursed sticky goo that 3M spend thousands of dollars developing ripping off the wall. As that fact struck me so did another, the giant picture frame full of glass was directly over our heads. As I held my wife tightly and said my final prayers to Jesus it was not my life that flashed before my eyes but rather the warning on the box that foretold this very event. Fortunately, our headboard is not all the way up against the wall and the picture slid down behind the bed making a fantastic, Loony Toons worthy crashing noise as it hit.

After telling my wife that I love her very much and apologizing sincerely for trying to kill us, I turned on the lights to survey the damage. The beautiful frame was destroyed upon impact, the glass shattered everywhere, and both the picture and the nice photo matte that surrounded had been sliced by the glass, rendering every single piece of the murderous knickknack useless. Furious at my own stupidity for thinking I could defy gravity with crazy glue, I began to pick up the glass. I placed the largest piece off to the side and spent ten minutes on my hands and knees filling a trash bag with all the shards I found embedded into the carpet. As you may have guessed, trash bags are not glass-proof so as I picked up the bag the glass sliced through it with ease and fell to the ground, creating a veritable cornucopia of glass (which of course broke into even tinier shards).

Frustrated and tired I walked out to the storage closet to get a box for the glass. At this point I should tell you that this storage closet is located outside and can be accessed by exiting through a door in my bedroom leading to the backyard. I mentioned earlier that I had taken the largest piece of glass (which was quite large indeed) and placed it aside. The location that I chose to place this frail, jagged monstrosity was directly in front of the door I just told you about. Upon reentering the bedroom (wearing sandals) I heard yet another profound noise. This was the sound of the glass under my feet shattering into a million pieces, slicing my toe as it exploded (it was an extremely minor nick, but enough to draw blood). At this point my will to live shattered along with the glass. I didn't say anything. I made no noise of any sort. I simply stood, bleeding, staring at the new mess I had created. I literally stood motionless in this manner for several minutes. As my wife hid her head under the blankets fearing an outburst of monumental proportions I silently questioned the glass. How had my life fallen so completely apart in so little time? Surely, like Job, I was a pawn in some cosmic bet and Satan himself had been granted free will to attempt to drive me mad. After closing my eyes for yet another extended period of time whilst summoning all of the willpower that I possess to abstain from screaming every obscenity known to man, I began once more to clean up my mess. This time I was successful and was soon falling asleep to the sound of the other picture that I had hung that night, this one in the kitchen, suffering a similar fate.

My dear friend Scott told me two things upon hearing this tale. First was that I should start a blog, if only to tell this one tragic story to all the world. Second, he told me that hence forth I should "hang pictures like a man." This was sage advice and I followed his words on both accounts (though the blog starting credit goes to Kelley). Upon returning to the store Kelley and I purchased three pictures to replace the one that fell (because if I couldn't even handle one, surely I should attempt three). There now hangs above my bed these same three pictures, solid as a rock and hung as if a man who knew what he was doing had performed the task. Of course, even this was not without a great amount of effort. Apparently my work as a graphic designer has made me obsessed with measurements. Our three pictures could not be carelessly placed on the wall using the old "does it look straight?" method! Nay, these pictures (one big and two small) had to be perfectly aligned and distributed. After an ungodly amount of measurements and scheming, Kelley discovered that it was best to leave the mad man with the pencil to his own devices, muttering unintelligibly to himself while drawing all over the wall.

Last night we slept with our heads at the foot of the bed, just in case :)


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Turning our house into a home

Josh and I bought and moved into our first house in July. Buying a house is WAY fun. No, I take that back, buying a house is not fun at all. In fact, it is stressful and tiring. But, having a house that is your very own, that is fun! I am sure just about anyone who has bought a house (except for maybe those lucky rich people out there) can tell you that it takes a while to make your house a home... because you spent so much money on the house, that you kinda need to take your time spending money on the stuff you put inside of it... or you will have no money left :) I know this, but it still drives me crazy! I want our house to be cute and beautiful. I want our house to look like a home. Still, I know this will not happen over night, and Josh and I are trying to be smart and just do a little bit at a time.

So, about a week ago we bought our first piece of art to hang in our house. This was a big step for us... we were going to put something on a wall! We have always wanted a big photograph of a tree to hang over our bed. Josh and I are both from states where trees grow big, tall, and green. We also lived in pretty small towns, so there were lots of forests and other wooded areas. Any of you who are native to Arizona may not understand this concept... Think of lots and lots of those things that you see in people's houses at Christmas time being outside all year round... This is something that both of us miss, and having a tree over our bed seems like it would make living in the desert just a little bit easier. So, we got a large photo of a tree and were all set to hang it. We got those 3M photo hanger things because we did not want to worry about making holes in the wall. I mean this is our very own home, we don't want to fill it with holes (*Notice... I said that we got the 3M things because we wanted to be nice to the walls... it obviously has nothing to do with us being lazy at all). We put the picture up and it looked great! We were super excited. Until about two hours later when we were seconds away from sleep and heard a huge CRASH right next to our heads. So no, in case you were wondering, that is not a fun thing to wake up to.

By the way, those 3M photo hangers do not work. It is a good thing the picture fell behind our bed and not on top of us, because we would have been smooshed and cut to pieces. Once we realized what happened, we turned on the light, moved our bed, and saw that the whole thing had fallen behind our bed, the wooden frame broke, all of the glass in the frame shattered into a million little pieces, the matte for the photo was ruined, and the actual photo that was in the frame was scratched from the broken glass... so there was pretty much nothing to be salvaged.

It took about half an hour to clean up this mess... during one point Josh moved one of the large pieces of glass off to the side while he was picking up the little pieces, only to later turn that large piece of glass into more small pieces when he didn't see it (cause, you know, glass is clear) and stepped right onto it with his bare feet... We also went through about three trash bags while picking up the glass, because glass just slices right through those suckers.

Surprisingly, and thankfully, we went to bed that night with no cuts or any other injuries (except for our wounded souls... those dumb 3M things... We put our faith in them and they let us down hardcore!).

So, now it is time for round two. Josh and I bought some new photos to hang over our bed (still trees of course). This time we also bought screws :) Tonight it is time for round two. We are going to try to hang them the old fashion way and see how well they hold. Pictures will follow later... that is if they stay on the wall. Fingers crossed!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall is here :)

Josh and I have a favorite season, and that season is fall. Now, fall in Arizona is not exactly like fall back in Missouri or Washington where Josh and I come from. No, there are no leaves falling or changing colors. In fact, Phoenix does not really have many colors besides brown during any season of the year. Still, even in the desert, Josh and I love fall, and fall has officially come to the Johnson house. What makes it official? I'm glad you asked :)

1. This is our AC set to OFF. Yes, the AC is off and the doors and windows are open because it is actually cooler outside than it is inside (I can hardly believe it!). In addition to that amazingness, the electricity bill is going down. Reason number 1 for fall being WONDERFUL!

2. This is the center piece on our dining room table. Pine cones, yummy smelling candles, and little pumpkins. This MUST mean the fall fairy visited our home right?!

3. One of the VERY VERY best parts of fall? The smells! The smell of cold, of rain, and of course, the smell of baking... these pumpkin spice candles make our house smell like we have been baking yummy fall treats all day long (without the clean up in the kitchen ;) ). We bought three of them and I already want to go get more!

Oh fall how I love you! I put on a long sleeve shirt and a jacket today... And, our little secret, I'm already singing Christmas songs around the house and while driving in the car... I can't wait for Christmas!
