After dinner we all sat our full bodies down and watched the stop motion version of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. This is a holiday classic that many of us loved and others of us had never seen... but after all of that food, sitting down to watch a movie really just made us sleepy. So that could only mean one thing... time for pie obviously!
After pie it was time for Martinelli's sparkling apple cider (I LOVE this stuff!!!)
Then the realization set in that it was time to clean...
Then we packed up the leftovers and, most importantly, we packed up the dishwasher! We always used to do dishes by hand, but a mess like this definitely calls for a professional (not that Josh is not a pro at washing dishes :) )
Now, the kitchen is clean and Josh and I are sitting on our couch, bellies full, listening to the hum of the dishwasher. I would have to say that this Thanksgiving was a complete success!
We did miss many of our family members, but working on this blog really helped us feel like we were able to keep in touch! Thank you to everyone who followed us this Thanksgiving and to all of the wonderful people, near and far, that we got to spend this holiday with! We hope your Thanksgivings were as wonderful as ours!
Josh and Kelley