Thursday, November 26, 2009


We had SOOOO much fun at Grammy and Grandfather's house!

We got home around 4:30 and rushed to get everything together. Then everyone got here and it was time to eat! He is how it all went:

First the Stuffing!
Here are the mushrooms.

Then add in the bread!

All ready to go in the oven!
Becca got me these cool slippers for my birthday!

Becca brought some brussel sprouts :)

She forgot the fruit salad she made and the grocery stores were closed, but Walgreens was open so we got the stuff to make some!

Bernie is so strong lol he opened the olives for us!

We had a lot of food!

Here is us eating...

And here is us full of food...

YYYuuuummmm! It was soooo good!

More pictures of the rest of the night later :)


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM TEARING UP HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH!~ YOU MADE MY THANKSGIVING !!!! BETWEEN THE BLOG AND Amandasending me PICS TOO!~~~ WOW best Thanksging in a long time!!~~~ I love you girls enjoY xoxoxox

  2. Oh good! I'm happy we could make it a little bit better for you :) We missed having you for sure, but you were always on our minds! Love you!!!
    -all of us
