Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving with our Family (And anyone else who would like to follow along)

Thanksgiving = family

Always has, always will. Thanksgiving is a time when all of us are supposed to remember and think about everything we are thankful for. Often times, as is the case with us, we find that we are most thankful for the family God has given us.

Well Josh and I live about 1,500 miles away from our families (thankfully we do have some family here is Phoenix *Love you Farmers and Weiss sisters!). Some are in Washington state and some are in Missouri and Kentucky. Either way, they are not here with us in Phoenix, and around holidays like Thanksgiving is when we really start to miss them the most!

So we are 1,500 miles away from our families, so what! This is the age of technology, and distance is no problem for technology!

We decided that we are going to have Thanksgiving with our families right here on this blog! We are going to post pictures and short posts on what is going on during the day so that our families can share Thanksgiving with us! We love you guys and we hope you will leave comments on our posts and let us know how your Thanksgivings are going as well! We want to spend Thanksgiving with you, no matter how far away we all may be.

So here goes!

For those of you who are not used to late November in Arizona... this is what it looks like in our backyard right now! Yup, a freezing 74 degrees! Better put on a sweater!

Here is how the morning started off. Josh and I got up around 8:30 to start the cooking. First up: Ham!

This baby has been sitting in our fridge soaking up sugar water for the last few days. It better be good, Josh will have to tell you how it turns out since I don't eat meat :) We will be cooking it and pouring juice and sugar over it for about 7 hours :)

Next up: Stuffing!

MMMmm! I love this stuff! It takes a while because we have to toast the sourdough bread and make the veggie broth, but it is going to be worth it! Here is some of the toasted bread and the veggie broth cooking! yyuumm!

We ran into one little problem, the ham has to cook at 200 degrees and it takes 350 degrees to toast the bread... sooo toaster! Which made it a little darker than Josh would like... but I love dark toast!

Well that's it for now. Thanks for having Thanksgiving with us! We will be posting again soon, until then leave a comment and tell us how your Thanksgiving is going!

Josh and Kelley


  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    your making me hungry already!!!!!!
    Kel, Bri is having tofu turkey stuffed with cranberry...I will have hospital fare.. Keep me posted!~ I love you both yum yum

  2. Great idea! We totally want to have T-day with the fam(s).

    We started the day with the MOST relaxing T-day ever. Dawn's aunt and uncle took our kids last night and let us have a night all to ourselves like real grown ups! This morning we slept in, left the hotel at 11am, went to Panera for breakfast and scored free food! Then we mosied around some stores before returning to the Kraus House where I got to play tech guy with Tim's new gadgets (HDTVs, BluRay players, etc) Dawn is playing in the kitchen and we're chilling out. Great day so far! We love y'all lots!

    The FarmerHouse

  3. wondering if you smell ham at your house yet Kelley and Josh??

  4. Our house Totally smells soooo much like ham! Just checked the temp. of it... It is done! Just leaving it in the oven to stay warm now :)

    Jon and Dawn: Sooo happy you guys got to have a relaxing morning and a fun afternoon! Sounds like fun, especially the sleeping in part!
