Sunday, January 17, 2010

I've Been Awarded

Moriah awarded me the Honest Scrap award.

I am supposed to tell you ten random, honest things about myself. Here they are in no particular order.

  1. I am super shy, but I must be getting pretty good at hiding it, because most people have no idea… One of my new years resolutions is always to become more outgoing ;)

  1. I hate being late, but I also hate being early. I feel like being late seems rude because it is as if you don’t find other people’s time valuable, but being early seems rude too because people may not be ready for you yet… This means I have to be right on time, which usually means I have to sit in the car or drive around the block a few times before I go inside… This one drives my husband a little crazy sometimes ;)

  1. I am a vegetarian. People always ask me why and I never know what to say. Most people make this choice for health reasons or because they get sad when they think about killing animals… but for me it is not that at all. I am just 100% grossed out at the thought of eating the muscles of something that used to be a living thing… something that used to walk around and have blood pumping though it… YUCK! P.S. because this is my reasoning I am never ever offended at all when others eat meat around me, if you like meat, that is fine by me :)

  1. I have a really weird thing when it comes to sweet and salty food. I love them both, A LOT! After I have something sweet I have to have something salty, and after I have something salty I need something sweet. As you can imagine, it turns into a pretty dangerous cycle. Because of this, I can often be found eating weird things like olives and chocolate chips. My husband makes fun of me for this, and I cannot blame him lol

  1. I used to tell my sisters that I would never get married, and if I did I would be in my 30s at least. I knew I would want to finish college and be on my own for a while before I got married. Well, I met Josh while I was in high school and that pretty much killed that plan. Of all the things that I have done in my life, I have to say that getting married is by far the best! I love my husband more than anything and I love being able to spend every day with him. Lots of people thought I was crazy to get married at 19, but if they could have married my super awesome Josh, they would have gotten married at 19 as well.

  1. I also used to tell my family that I would NEVER have children… The fact is, lately I have really been thinking about wanting a baby. (Don’t get too excited mom, I still have a few years to go). However, Josh and I always have to plan WAY ahead for everything (we can't help it, we always have to have a plan), so this won’t be happening for a few more years.

  1. I was deaf until I was around 2 yrs old. I guess my parents just didn’t notice. My mom actually has my baby books in which she wrote about how I was such a nice quiet baby, not loud like my sister lol.

  1. I LOVE Biology and Chemistry. I actually considered switching my major to biology at one point… I just had not idea what I would do with that kind of degree lol.

  1. Large groups of people completely freak me out. So do small groups of people if we are in a small room. I start to get claustrophobic, feel like I can’t breath, and I have to leave… I REALLY need to get over this fear though, it is REALLY annoying!

  1. While I am sure I will love teaching, I dream of having an artistic career (yes, I am super jealous of my graphic designer husband). I have always wanted to learn more about photography… Oh dream jobs ;)

I am awarding 3 more it is your turn!


1 comment:

  1. Kell Bell, Where to start?....You were a quiet baby, BUT, I kept asking the Dr. why isn't she talking? So, they tested your hearing and wa'laa', you could't hear.

    When bringing you home from the hospital walking into the door you heard a bird chirping!~ The first bird,or sound you really ever heard, you had no idea what is was! Your eyes got SO BIG!~ That weekend the car races were going on at the fair grounds. I took you out on the deck and you really didn't like the sound at all!~ It was overwelming to you, as was the sound of running water from the bath, It took you awhile to get used to it all.
    As to your fear of crowds or more intimate groups, you don't like to reveal yourself.BUT, baby girl they wont bite, and if they do, they weren't worth your time or emotion. SO.Jump on in the waters fine and your not afraid of the water any more<!~ Much love, MaMa
