Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas in January

Okay I know, this is a really late holiday post… but let’s just say we are busy. Who knew that taking time off of work and school would result in A WHOLE lot of playing catch-up (hmm… never noticed how much that phrase sounds like ketchup… weird). Anyways, Josh and I are back into the full swing of things and I finally have some time to write a little bit about our winter break. It seems the perfect time to blog is when I can't sleep and it is 1AM :)

So, we went across the country to a place that is much colder than our nice little Phoenix desert. Much colder was a nice change, but I think we are both happy to be home and warm :)

We got to hang out with Josh’s Uncle Jon, Aunt Dawn, and their wonderful kiddos. This means much fun and always includes playing cards, cooking AMAZING food, and having the luxury of lazing around a little. Here are some pictures to highlight this part of our trip:

We like to make new fun foods! Like these crab thingys lol
And these yummy fried toffee apples
We always make sure to find time to play cards!
Josh and the kids
Super sweet Tatum :)
Taylor being crazy
They are perfect for each other :)
The whole fam
Their Christmas Eve morning tradition: Beautiful.

We also got to see Josh’s immediate family (mom, dad, brothers) who we do not get to see that often at all. It is so nice to just get to sit and catch up with them during this time, they always have the funniest stories to tell ☺
Josh's mom got a really cool brownie pan :)
Josh's dad was Santa
Then we got to have Christmas with both the Johnson and Farmer side of Josh’s family. Can I just say that Josh has a BIG family? I come from a mother who has three sisters who all have 2-3 kids and one of which is married (which means I guess my family is a little large on one side), and a father with one sister who has no kids. This means I have 2 sets of grandparents, 4 aunts, 1 uncle and 8 cousins total… This is the family I am used to.

Josh comes from a mom who has 2 brothers and 2 sisters (some married some not), who have from 0 – 4 kids each (and some of those kids even have kids!), and a dad who has 2 sisters and 3 brothers (some married some not), who have from 0 – 2 kids each. So, my husband has two sets of grandparents, 7 uncles, 7 aunts, 16 cousins, 3 first cousins once removed (I think that is what you call your cousins’ kids?), and even more that I haven’t met or can’t think of how to label…

Pardon me because I am sure that my math is going to be off somewhere in there, but you get the point: Josh’s family = big (almost 2 times mine) and/or my family = small. I love being part of a big family now, it is different and always full of lots of fun things and silly stories. However, it does make for a Christmas of moving around! This means that we got to have lots of Christmases. Here are some pictures:

This is what we got to see while we sat at a dead stop on the highway for over 45 mins on Christmas morning. I think we counted 9 cars that had crashed in our 1 hr drive (well is should have been 1 hr)... A white Christmas was so much more fun when I was younger.
Although we were pretty late, we did eventually make it to the Johnson family Christmas, and it was a lot of fun!

Then it was off to the Farmer Christmas!

Farmer siblings!
The whole gang

Wow guys, that was a lot of pictures huh? Sorry if I got carried away, it is just that Josh and I had sooo much fun, and we wanted to take lots of pictures to share our Christmas with everyone! Having a new camera that we love using helps too lol. Anyways, that was our holiday, we hope you all had a great one as well.

P.S. Stay tuned as Josh and I should be updating the blog soon with some pictures of our new guest room... fun fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Jon Edwards. I'm going to break everyone's hearts here and just say that my favorite photos were the armchair portrait of Matt and the close-up portrait of Dawn Farmer. Some really good stuff in here. I hope everyone I haven't seen in a long time is doing well!
